The Propeller Academy Trust has a multi-tier governance structure, consisting of Members, Trustees and Governors. All of these positions are voluntary and unpaid, and we are extremely grateful to the highly skilled group of people who commit their time and expertise to our Trust and member schools.
Although Members are not directly engaged in the general running of the Trust, they do have significant governance responsibilities, including the appointment of Trustees, appointment of auditors and oversight of Trustee performance. Our Trust has three Members. Their biographies can be found on the Members page (see menu, right). Please see the Articles of Association and the Scheme of Delegation, below, for details of the role and responsibilities of Members.
Trustees sit on the Board of Trustees, which is the body with legal responsibility for the governance and performance of the Trust and all of its schools and operations; the Trustees are also 'directors' under company law. Their biographies can also be found on The Board page (see menu, right). The Board is accountable to the Secretary of State for Education, and is composed of eight Trustee positions, which are appointed by the Members.
The Board holds approximately six Full Board meetings each academic year. In addition, it has three committees, each meeting multiple times a year, bringing focus to the key areas of HR, Pay, and Audit, Finance and Risk. A record of Trustee attendance at meetings in the last full academic year can be found below.
The Board assigns local governance responsibilities to the Local Governing Body (LGB) of each school, in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation and the LGB Terms of Reference (see documents below).
Each LGB has between eight and eleven Governors, dependent on school size, composed of Board-appointed Governors, elected Parent and Staff Governors, and the Headteacher (by virtue of the office they hold).
The LGB provides oversight of the school's management, performance and finances, in line with the development plan for the Trust. The LGB also ensures Trust-wide and local policies are implemented and monitored, and that meeting and reporting structures are aligned with those of the Board.
More information about the LGB for each school can be found on individual school websites.