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Equality & Diversity

Equalities Act

There are 9 key areas to embrace and in essence employers are required  to demonstrate a supportive and openness, about these areas in the work place.

Age  - The Trust as an employer welcomes staff of all ages, young staff under 18 are subject to a special risk assessment and staff over the age of retirement are reviewed individually to keep them in work so long as they wish and are capable of doing so.  Our recruitment process does not include date of birth, to avoid pre judgement at selection stage. We only record this at time of appointment.

Disability – We welcome staff with disabilities and make reasonable adjustments to the work place with facilities to assist. A recent example of this is telephone and hearing loop adjustments.

Pregnancy and Maternity – We welcome shared parental leave and support part time workers where possible. We have an occupational pay scheme to support statutory. We actively encourage keeping in touch days and paid time for attendance at appointments.   We actively celebrate adoption in the same way we celebrate maternity leave.

Religion or belief - Our funding agreement requires us to act with a Christian ethos, therefore welcoming all faiths. Our schools celebrate a variety of religious events and British values. We also support staff who wish to attend religious festivals and can provide a location for private prayer if required. We are also respectful to those staff who wish to keep religious beliefs private.

Race - We welcome all team members regardless of race, including a person’s physical characteristics, bone structure, skin, hair or eye colour. We also do not discriminate based on ethnicity or nationality, regional culture, ancestry or language.

Sex  - All jobs are open to both men and women, all tasks are shared equally amongst female and male staff, and are respectful to our dignity at work policy.

Sexual Orientation – Staff are encouraged to be open to anyone wishing to share personal sexual orientation if they so wish. At the point of application, we ask staff to separately complete our equalities question to identify and ensure support is offered confidentially if required.

Gender reassignment – We currently have no known children or staff in this category, this however is bespoke to an individual’s needs.

Marriage and Civil Partnerships - are recognised and celebrated in the same way and are again led by the wishes of the employee involved.